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Gritty Birds

This is Gritty Birds 2.0.
I'm here to help you reconnect to your passion for life, change your patterns, and ultimately empower the grit you already have within you to thrive as a creator…
My name is Jeni Wren Stottrup. As a production coach I support content creators through courses, editing and 1:1 coaching at my company, The Podcasters Forum.
A year go, I hit a wall.
Unhappy and riddled with anxiety attacks, I no longer recognized myself
So I made the decision to do something about it...
Join me every week as I help you reconnect to your bad self
We'll dive into the mindset of creation, and how we got stuck in the first place,
From how media shapes us to how habits are formed,
each week I'll introduce you to mindsets, technologies and practices that helped me
reignite my passions, take control, and find the confidence to live the life I always wanted.
So you can too
Now lets get going. This is Gritty Birds, and it's time to create.
New episodes drop every Tuesday starting March 22nd. Follow the show on your favorite pod player, or watch at To find out more about the show go to and follow on facebook, instagram, twitter and tiktok at

Mar 17, 2017

Logan Lynn has something to say... about mental health. The artist has been everywhere from the LOGO network to the Grammy's. 9 year's sober he has found his ground following his latest record, adieu.